BBNaija: NEST TV Present Achievements Of Flying Captain Miracle In The House

BBNaija: NEST TV Present Achievements Of Flying Captain Miracle In The House

Nothing brings life back to Miracle as much as speaking about his dream of flying planes to his Housemates.

After a rather gloomy week, Miracle  seem to have found his mojo back after sharing his pilot dream to a captivated House.

Whenever he had the chance to share his hopes and aspirations for a successful career, Miracle's face lift up so much that it could well power the entire House.

With Flying Colour 

When he entered the House, Miracle pretty much was glowing of satisfaction and eagerness for the BBNaija adventure.

He was the first male Housemate to lock lips and start an on-screen flirt with Nina. He went ahead and scored  a few other wins such as the Head of House title, the Arena Games and helped his mates secure wagers. Miracle has also proven to be  a good sport, gladly bending to his roommates strip dice pressure when he lost a bet. Altogether Miracle has been a good friend to Tobi and freely offered a good advice to anyone who cared to ask.

When the Feathers Fly 
With all this, as his relationship with Nina faded, Miracle seemed to have somewhat lost direction in the House. 
Amusingly as Nina distanced herself from Miracle, she seemed to have grown more confident to the point that she called him off for allegedly shouting at him, which he vehemently denied.

Fortunately for him Anto also lent credence to his plea which unsettled Nina even more.
For reasons known to himself, he was in a rather gloomy mood for most of the week. It also didn’t help that the decoration Task was a lonely endeavour as Miracle has shown to be at his best when working in groups.  
That was only until he painted a mural of his piloting dreams and Biggie rewarded him with a matching bed set.
NEST TV Post recall, evicted housemates Teddy-A and Bam Bam have all joined predict Fly Captain Miracle to Win.
Having said all these don't you think he deserve the grand prize. Let put all weight back and support this Flying Captain Miracle. 
Support Team Miracle!

    First Nest Consult and NEST TV are proud supporters of Big Bother Naija.  


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